Saturday, April 26, 2014

Site analysis

Record keeping, as we are aware of, it is the oldest practice or system of disciplined working in any organisation that deals with providing social or professional service and when it comes to a profession of design and construction it is very important to keep proper records of every stage of project as it moves toward completion stage. Of all the stages involved in construction projects the very first and important stage is site analysis. Site analysis begins before any activity of construction could take place on site. Site analysis involves systematise report making of various careful observations and tests done on site of construction to know the present state of site and its surrounding area and at a same time what improvements are need to be applied during the construction works. Another important report included in site analysis is ‘Site Dilapidation Report’. Site dilapidation report gives architect & designer clear idea about the current condition of building structure before any work is undertaken. This enables designer and contractor to make proper cost estimation on the basis of actual work involved in new constructions on site. Also, SDR allows Designers to obtain exact numbers of damaged property on site before construction. This way designer can update his client about the exact condition of given site before the onset of Design project.

Friday, April 25, 2014

creation process

In the process of creation two things are majorly involved ‘thoughts’ and ‘actions’. For any designer the process of creation begins at the conceptual level of his design i.e. ‘creative thoughts’. After visualizing a concept of design, it is also very important that a designer must take necessary steps to give physical form and shape to his ideas and creative thoughts and bring it to existence in real time world.
As first step, designer must do necessary research for new materials, methods of constructions, latest technology and cost factor (most importantly) to create his piece of design. Every creative object or piece of art is made by following this same process of creation.

design concepts

Designing in some way is reflecting out your inner most feelings in the spectacular art forms and which is mostly interpreted through unique shapes, structures or textures that is not very usual to recognition. In interior design the primary focus of designer is to make any given space look visually balanced with addition of aesthetics to every aspect what he designs. The job of designer is creative as well as technical because it need s both combination of creative vision at same time knowledge of technical aspects of various materials and art forms that he applies in his piece of work. In 21st century home décor styles is changing rapidly due to change in life style of people. Homes are now designed in much compact and movable form to provide optimum space utilization solutions to clients. No matter what, people choose to spend more to save more. Be it in the form of buying home décor solutions or buying latest technology for their business management, in each way man is looking for source of convenience and hope of getting more from what he is investing in today.