Saturday, May 17, 2014

Professional Practice

As a Designer how many of us really think that our profession is one of the most creative job in this world. How many of you really say thank you to your mentor, who you taken inspiration before entering the interior design profession. If this is the profession you were always waiting for and if you have already achieved the position that you dreamed of, than its a right time you start a professional practice. Professional practice in simple words can be put as 'A system of working in an organised way and presenting every task with utmost creativity & precision in order to make our job profound.' Following are some of the key factors that serve as foundation for professional practice.
1) Dress code: Dressing is the very first impression we put on clients mind as professional person. Even if we not spoken to the person before or meeting for first time, if we are well dressed & well behaved we have won half the battle.
 2) Working tools: Like artisan always carry his working tools say sculptor, potter, carpenter etc. We beings a professional person need to carry our working tools always handy. We must carry our presentation tools such as Laptop, Tablet & Smart phones loading photographs and presentation slides of our previous projects. Also a small measuring tape, pair of ball pens / fountain pens, some color pens, sketch book & note pad should always be available in our office bags. This tools will always help you in making on the spot design presentation if demanded by your clients.
3) Know your strength: Everyone of us is blessed with some talent or skills that can become our biggest strength in our professional field. To know your strengths is very important being a professional. If you are good in public speaking or if you are good in sketching or market research, or cost calculations, know it and make it one of your working strength there by making your presentations valuable and impressive every time.  
4) Go extra miles:
Gone are the days of hard working. today we live in the world of smart working environment where tasks are completed on tip of our fingers. if you really want to make success in your field of profession you need to build an attitude of giving more than what you get. People who dare to go extra mile seldom finds any competition. Try to deliver little extra in your service than what you getting paid for, this will help you to build strong and trustful relation with your client every time.

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