Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Successful design proposal.

Before you start preparing design for any of your client's home / office make sure you have worked on these five important factors of design proposal to make it more convincing and acceptable by your client. 1)Concept: No matter how boring and difficult it seems to think for concept of design but it is something that will give your design its unique identity. also concept based designs gives confidence to the client that his home is going to be one of its kind after the renovation is completed.2) Ergonomic data: Once you are ready with your concept of design the next very important job comes is to fit in all your design features as per the ergonomical data. User should find it easy while handling the furniture and operating its various functions. Ergonomic data gives us standard dimensions of every furniture to be used in home or office. 3) Material selection: It is always advisable that you decide in the planning stage itself whether you going to make furniture in Plywood, Natural wood, MDF or any other composite material or rather any metal. This will enable you to visualize how the end product will look like and what would its finish could possibly be.4) Cross check on budget: While you are preparing design details for your project kindly keep a copy of project BOQ open in background so that every now and then you can keep a track on final budget of your client and you can make necessary alterations in your design in initial stage to keep it in harmony with your project cost.5) Time line: Always prepare a time line chart along with your design presentation. Time line not only helps in keeping track on your project work progress but also it help in understanding how much time and energy you are going to put behind every project there by enabling you to evaluate and decide your fees structure for individual project.

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